Workshop German Labour Law November

Workshop German Labour Law November

Datum: Dienstag, 18.11.2025

Uhrzeit: 14:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr

Ort: online


Individual Labour Law – Collective Labour Law
Challenges you face as a supervisor

Labour law in Germany is rather different from the labour law in other countries, especially in the UK, the United States and in Asia. The seminar introduces foreign managers to the basics of German labour law. A lot of topics in every day working life are governed by mandatory rules and regulations. However, there is also room for flexibility stipulated by the law in favour of  tariff and works agreements and of the individual contract.
A large part of the seminar deals with the challenges supervisors  face. This includes the subjects of discretionary rights, remote  working and performance issues („ill“/ „will“ /„skill“). You will also be familiarised with the role and the rights and obligations of the works council („co-determination“).

Both our trainers are very experienced. They will answer your questions comprehensively and give you practical advice.

Alternative date: April 29th 2025, 2pm – 4pm
Both online.

— Employment contract and legislation:
— Liabilities of employers and employees
     (working time, discretionary right, home office)
— Performance issues and procedures („ill“ – „will“ – „skill“)
— Role, rights and obligations of the works council

Additional topics can be added upon participants´ requests.

Susanne Burster, labour lawyer
Markus Haimann, labour lawyer
Unternehmerverbände Südhessen

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Nicole Thierolf

Assistentin Kommunikation
& Veranstaltungsmanagement
